Stress and sleep


According to the National Institutes of Health, most adults
do best with 7-8 hours of sleep; teens need more – usually 9-10 hours of sleep.
How much do we actually get? About 1-2 hours less than we need.

Health Benefits of Sleep

  • Keeping a healthy weight. When you do not have
    enough sleep, you do not make good food choices and you skip exercise because
    you are too tired.
  • Better mental performance and improved memory. Ever
    try to take a test or learn something new without a good night’s sleep?
  • Improved physical functioning. Good sleep makes
    for better athletic performance.
  • Stronger immune system. Yes, it is true – you
    can fight off infections and improve vaccine effectiveness if you get good
  • Accident avoidance. Driving while sleep-deprived
    can be as bad as driving drunk.
  • Healthy mental state. Your mood is better after
    a good night’s sleep and you are less likely to become depressed.

Reducing your Stress

  • Acknowledge stressors and change what you can.  
  • Repeat successes in your head before bedtime. What
    went “right” today? What did you accomplish?
  • Practice good sleep habits. Go to bed at the
    same time and wake up at the same time each day.
  • Eat healthy, with less sugars and fats, smaller
    frequent meals. Exercise regularly, but not late in the day. Avoid caffeine and
    alcohol after dinner.  
  • Decompress before bedtime – do not do work or
  • Seek help if stress is continually keeping you
    awake.  You may need to see your health
    care provider, a counselor or a sleep specialist.

By: Karen Babos, D.O., M.B.A.
Karen Babos is the Vice President of Clinical Programs and Quality for Walgreens. She is triple-board certified in internal medicine, geriatric medicine and hospice and palliative care.