Red my lips

Beauty editor: Lauria Locsmondy. Photographer: Mike Pierce. Model: Amber.

A power move that’s decades old, red lips still rule the scene. Try on this classic statement look with affordable products and pro makeup artist tips.

Amber is wearing Soap & Glory Sexy Mother Pucker Lipstick, Fired Up.

Pro tip: Apply lipstick first, and lip liner second. It’s a little makeup artist trick that’s easier than coloring in the lines!

Get Amber’s trendy bold lip: 

NYX Professional Makeup Total Control Drop Foundation

NYX Professional Makeup Retractable Lip Liner

Soap & Glory Sexy Mother Pucker Lipstick, Fired Up

L’Oreal  Voluminous X-Fiber Mascara, Blackest Black

Wear a red lip with natural skin and defined brows for a beautifully balanced look.