Happy Camera Day!

They say the best camera is the one you have with you—so here are some of our best tips for taking great photos with your smartphone!

Taking a photo of a landscape with a smart phone, Happy Camera Day!

Let’s face it. Most of us don’t use—or even own—a digital SLR camera for everyday photography. Instead, our favorite photos of loved ones and vacation scenery are often snapped on our phones. Perfect your smartphone photography skills with these simple tips.

1. Use the focus feature

This is perhaps the most important part of smartphone photography. Simply tap on the area you want to focus on and your camera will adjust the lighting and depth of field to make your subject stand out.

2. Avoid the front-facing lens

While it makes selfies much easier to shoot, front-facing cameras don’t offer nearly as high a resolution as the back-facing lens. For higher quality, stick with the “old-fashioned” way of shooting.

3. Use the grid

For a pristine composition, turn on your camera’s grid feature and position subjects along the lines of the grid. Called the Rule of Thirds, this method of shooting creates a composition that’s pleasing to the eye.

4. Use photo apps

You don’t need Photoshop to make your photos look professional. Whether you choose the editing features in Instagram or download more comprehensive apps like VSCO Cam or Snapseed, editing your photos gives them a professional, personal touch. Experiment with exposure, sharpening and saturation to enhance your pictures.

5. Take advantage of your mobility

A phone is far less bulky than an SLR camera, meaning you can take it to the beach, up a mountain or to a crowded festival much more easily. Make the most of your freedom by snapping photos whenever and wherever you can. Whip your phone out at sporting events, hold it above your head at concerts and get up close and personal with your subjects. As they say, the best camera is the one you have with you—make the most of it!

When you’ve shot, edited and chosen your favorite photos, upload them to the Walgreens app and choose same day pick up for quick and easy prints!