How to word invitations for baby shower for boys, girls and twins

Planning to shower the mom-to-be? You can spread the word about the big event with one of our Photo Cards. Simply select a design and choose one of these wording ideas:

For Boys

– Oh boy! It’s time to party! Join us as we shower Mary with love.

– Break out the blue! Mary’s having a boy!

– We’re knocking one out of the park welcoming Mary’s Little Slugger.

For Girls

– Sugar and spice and everything nice. Let’s welcome Mary’s Baby Girl.

– Time to pull out the pink! Mary’s having a girl!

– Mary’s little princess will be here soon. Let’s help her get ready for the royal occasion.

For Twins

– Double the love, double the diapers. Let’s help Mary prepare for her special arrivals.

– Two by two, tons of fun. Mary’s having two, not just one!

– One, two, so much to do! Join us as we shower Mary and her twins with love.

Don’t forget to include

– Who’s throwing the shower

– Date and time

– Location

– RSVP info

With FREE Same Day Pickup, you can have custom Photo Card invitations with a special picture and your wording ready to mail tomorrow. Start creating your design now.