How to safely put on and remove your mask

Emily Ornberg, Health Editor

Hands holding blue face mask by the straps.

Putting it on

  1. Wash your hands.
  2. Grab the straps.
  3. Put the mask over your nose and mouth. Secure it under your chin.
  4. Try to fit the mask snugly against the sides of your face (below).
  5. Make sure you can breathe easily.

Woman wearing face mask, pulling the strap over her ear.

Taking it off

  1. When taking your mask off, handle it only by the ear loops or ties.
  2. Fold the outside corners together.
  3. Be careful not to touch your eyes, nose and mouth when removing.
  4. Place your mask in the washing machine. Or keep it in a sealed bag—even in your hamper—until you wash it (below).
  5. Wash hands immediately after removing.