Healthy Red Meat Alternatives to Grill


With temps on the rise and summer approaching, it’s a given that grills everywhere will be fired up more often – and red meat isn’t the healthiest thing to grill.

Even though grilling is generally a healthy way to cook, Americans tend to grill high-fat meats. Studies show frequent consumption of red meat has been tied to heightened risk of heart disease, diabetes and colon cancer. Try throwing these power foods on the barbeque instead.

Skip the steak

Thinking of splurging on a marbled rib eye? It comes with a complimentary high dose of saturated fat and cholesterol, which can eventually lead to clogged arteries and other health risks. Try treating yourself to a salmon steak instead. The American Heart Association encourages at least two 3.5-ounce servings of fish a week. Salmon in particular is packed with “good fats,” or omega-3s, which have been shown to aid healthy hearts and those with cardiovascular disease. 


Swap burgers for beans

Those who’ve mastered the art of grilling hamburgers can use their patty-forming, seasoning prowess on leaner ground meats (like chicken or turkey), salmon, or protein-rich bean burgers. 

Unlike meat, beans don’t contain cholesterol and every type is heart healthy. These are just two of the many health benefits of beans. Bonus: The black-bean burger tastes great when topped with other heart-healthy condiments, such as cilantro, avocado and fresh tomato salsa. 

Try healthier hot dogs 

Processed red meat, often high in both cholesterol and sodium, is associated with heart disease and diabetes risk – even more so than fresh cuts. 


If you’re a fan of meat in tube form, try looking for leaner, lower-sodium options without the lengthy ingredient lists. 

For an even healthier alternative, opt for naturally cholesterol- and fat-free grilled mushrooms; their meat-like texture pairs perfectly with a condiment-loaded bun. 

Prepare nutritious potatoes 

Okay, it’s not red meat. But the partner of burgers (when fried) and steaks (when buttered) could use a health makeover. Choose colored potatoes (like sweet potatoes) for an antioxidant boost and prepare with olive oil. Grill alongside your favorite veggies, like bell peppers, onion, corn, asparagus, zucchini, summer squash – all especially delicious when seared, and all rich in antioxidants too.

Be well, stay well ~
Guest blogger Madeline