Healthier road trip snack ideas


Summertime means vacations, beach days and road trips. But long car rides can also be full of fast food stops and handfuls of potato chips. 

On-the-go treats don’t have to be bad for you—or bland and boring. Instead of fatty or salty foods, opt for some of these healthier snack swaps for the open road.

Need to stay alert? Skip carb-loaded drive-thrus and look for foods that have high protein to keep you full and energized.

Snack ideas:

  • Whole grain bread + almond butter
  • Handful of almonds
  • Low-sugar muffins
  • Low-sodium sandwich meat
  • String cheese

While those big billboard ads for a milkshake are so tempting, you can find a healthier way to indulge. Fill your car up with tasty tart munchies to skirt the added sugar.

Snack ideas:

  • Multigrain cookies
  • Frozen grapes
  • Clementines
  • Yogurt
  • Applesauce

Sodium adds up quickly—especially when you’re eating lots of processed or packaged foods. If you’re craving salt, always eat in moderation, and look for foods that are naturally savory.

Snack ideas:

  • Whole grain cereal
  • Trail mix
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Cashews
  • Popcorn

When you’re in the mood to snack endlessly, keep a bag of fruits and veggies nearby. If you don’t like them plain, pack up some guacamole, hummus, ranch or peanut butter to jazz it up!

Snack ideas:

  • Broccoli
  • Baby carrots
  • Snap peas
  • Celery sticks
  • Apples

Longer road trips make it harder to keep ice from melting. Look for dried foods that still include some nutritious value to keep you from ordering a juicy burger.

Snack ideas:

  • Dried fruit
  • Kale chips
  • Turkey jerky
  • Nut mix
  • Energy bars