Dry skin routine redo

Beauty editor: Lauria Locsmondy. Photographer: Erika Dufour. Model: Amy.

Dry skin can be a rough time. Add hydration and luminosity to your complexion with a redo in your morning and evening skin care routines.

Amy sports Dove Dry Skin Relief and No7 Laboratories Line Correcting Booster Serum.

Wake-up washes don’t need to strip your skin. Use a gentle cleanser that’s “soap-free,” meaning that it doesn’t contain harsh chemicals, including fragrance, that can cause further dryness. Follow with a hydrating serum that treats texture, and a moisturizer that contains SPF 30+.

Amy is using No7 Laboratories CICA-Rescue Skin Paste.

Bedtime is repair time. Layer on skin care to treat dryness and repair damage while you sleep. First, wash off the day with a gentle cleanser, and treat skin with your serum and moisturizer. Then utilize the power of overnight masks to drench skin in hydration and treat sensitivity 2 to 3 times per week.