Sports injuries & concussions

A concussion is a traumatic brain
injury (TBI) caused by a bump or blow to the head or a hit to the body that
causes the brain to move rapidly. 

This sudden movement of the brain can cause
damage to brain cells and create chemical changes in the skull.


Steps to Returning from a Concussion

  • Baseline: Get Back to School/Work
    Athletes should return to regular school or non-physical work
    activities when they no longer experience symptoms from the injury. 
  • Step 1: Light Aerobic Activity 
    Athletes should exercise by biking, walking, or light jogging for
    about 5-10 minutes to increase their heart rate. No lifting weights. 
  • Step 2: Moderate Activity 
    Continue to increase the athlete’s heart rate with moderate jogging,
    brief running, medium-intensity stationary biking, or moderate weightlifting
    (less time and/or less weight from their typical routine). 
  • Step 3: Heavy, Non-contact Activity 
    These activities include sprinting/running, high-intensity
    stationary biking, regular weightlifting routine, and non-contact sport drills. 
  • Step 4: Practice and Full Contact 
    The athlete may return to practice and full contact, uncontrolled
  • Step 5: Competition 
    athlete may return to competitive play.

By Hilary Box, PharmD
Resident Pharmacist Walgreens and Mercer University.



  • Center for Disease Control (CDC), Concussion Management
    Guidelines, Physician Tool Kit. 2015.
  • International Conference on Concussion in Sport, Vienna,
    2001; Prague, 2004; Zurich, 2008.