Why you should get the flu shot

Extensive research conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that getting the flu vaccine prevents the spread of the flu virus.

What else can the flu shot do for you?

  • Keep you from getting sick with flu.
  • Reduce the risk of flu-associated hospitalization, including among children and older adults.
  • Help protect people with chronic health conditions.
    • Lower rates of some cardiac (heart) complications among people with heart disease.
    • Reduced hospitalizations among people with diabetes and chronic lung disease.
  • Helps protect women during and after pregnancy, and protect a baby after birth from flu.
    • Specifically, moms can pass antibodies, which protect against flu infection, to their babies during pregnancy.
  • And, even if you get the flu after being vaccinated, you may have a milder illness and lower your risk of developing serious health complications.
    • A 2017 study showed that flu vaccination reduced deaths, intensive care unit (ICU) admissions, length of stay and overall duration of hospitalization among hospitalized flu patients.
  • Getting vaccinated yourself also protects the people around you, including those who are more vulnerable to serious flu illness like babies, young children, older people and people with certain chronic health conditions.

This flu season, make sure you get your flu shot to protect you, your friends, your family and overall public health.

