Why Sleep Is Important


I appreciate late nights with Fonzie-filled reruns as much as the next guy. But if you want to wake up to a happy day in the morning, put down the remote, close the laptop, and tune in for a good night’s sleep. Here are 10 reasons why.

1. Alertness
We know there are plenty of things people shouldn’t do while under the influence. Yet, mounting evidence should have us reconsider the risks of what we choose to do when we’re tired or drowsy. Findings continue to show similarly low levels of alertness between sleep deprived individuals and those who’ve had a few alcoholic beverages.

2. Learning & memory
Students planning an all-night cram session take note: sleep improves your ability to digest and access information. Staying up and studying puts the information in front of you. But if you actually want to understand that information, go to bed. Even a short nap will help you be more effective on tomorrow’s test.

3. Problem solving
“I’ll sleep on it.” Many of us are humble geniuses in the morning. And there’s a reason why.  It turns out a good night’s rest isn’t just an excuse for putting something off until tomorrow.

4. Muscle repair
Weekend warriors and workout enthusiasts take note: sleep is essential for muscle growth and repair.

5. Inflammation repair
Sleep repairs and rebuilds more than just muscles. The body’s inflammatory response is triggered when we’re exposed to trauma, toxins, cell-damaging free radicals or even daily stress. And our bodies take sleep as great opportunity to return to a less inflamed state.

6. Lowered cortisol
Cortisol is important in times of stress. But over time, elevated levels are harmful. In our earlier human days we did a lot of hunting, fighting and physical labor to survive. And cortisol played a big part in our fight or flight response—keeping us alert, productive and alive. Now, life’s a bit less prehistoric, but our cortisol still goes up during stressful times. And the best way to keep it in check is a good night’s rest.

7. Your weight
Beyond elevated cortisol levels that push your body to store fat, sleep deprived individuals tend to crave high-fat, readily accessible meals that can add pounds.

8. Lower risk of depression
Always consult your physician if you’re concerned about depression. And keep in mind that the quality and quantity of your sleep is related to your daily mood.

9. Dreams are fun!
Well, mostly. Sometimes we have those weird or terrifying ones. But where else can we ride magical snowboards while chasing evil trolls?

10. We’re not completely sure
Scientists have been studying sleep, and our need for it, for years. We know we need it. But the definitive reason the body can’t function without it is still elusive.

But one last thing we do know is that everyone requires a different amount of sleep each night to wake up fully rested in the morning. In terms of sleep cycles, we’re as individual as snowflakes. But on average, 7-9 hours is suggested.

If you’re unable to fall asleep quickly, try our tips for better sleep.

Guest Blogger Matt